Thursday, February 7, 2019

::kDm:: almost old items are change to Free Gift.

Long time no see :D
My closed store ::kDm:: items are now almost 0L$ FREE GIFTs at Anime inn.
(I'm sorry Gachas are 1L$ or 5L$ and 1item only 1L$)
Clothing FREE GIFTs are Ultra Fat Pack. 
Regular fat pack item + α 
(α is LB prize version, Hunt prize version, DEMO gift version, Gift version etc.)
But I'm sorry, They are standard sizing and SLINK based items.
Too many my items were system automatically lost from inventory.
These were only left in my inventory.
I hope you enjoy my items ❤
If you like my items, I'd be happy if you donate to Anime inn. 
(The donation box is an outside pink balloon object)
::kDm:: Outlet store at Anime inn (For a limited months)
★Right side is my friend pose shop "A&R HAVEN". There are lots of gifts in the store★